Tlatlauquitepec will detonate tourism



The capital city, Cholula and Atlixco are not the only representatives and proud members of the State of Puebla, which has tradition, beauty, history, culture and novelty all through its extension. Several Magic towns and so many others that deserve the title, have made the State popular for its richness and beauty, attracting thousands of visitors and investors.

arton23478From January to July this year, the Magic Town of Tlatlauquitepec has received 22 thousand tourists who generated an economic impact of 14 million pesos, turning this town into one of the most visited in the State.

This was announced by the Secretary of Tourism Development and Training of the Ministry of Tourism of the State, Irving Mayett Mucino under the presentation of the Tlatlauquitepec Vive Fair L2013 to be held from September the 7th to the 16th. For this edition, there are expected 10,000 visitors and a spill of 4 to 5 million pesos.

tlatlauquitepec12In the fair there will be a series of cultural events with regional dances, craft shows, painting, dancing, a bullfighting festival and gastronomic fireworks beyond the traditional “Cry of Independence”.

So recently, Tlatlauquitepec, located an hour and a half from the capital of Puebla, was visited by tourists from Brazil, Panama, Honduras, and different states of the country, and also, in recent months, the state government along with the municipality invested 35 million pesos for improving urban image.

descargaThe dam “La Soledad”, the “Big Headed” Hill, waterfalls, former Franciscan convents, churches and traditional roofs are part of the tourist attractions of the town known as “Garden of Puebla´s Sierra.”

The Huasteca Festival



Puebla is a delight, a paragon of culture, tradition, history and progress all wrapped up in one very neat and beautiful package. Every city and town in Puebla share these characteristics but some are more colorful and loud than others. Here we have Xicotepec de Juarez, proud Magic Town of Puebla and Mexico and soon to be the stage for a very worthy display of tradition.

descarga (1)From August 29th to September 1st Xicotepec will celebrate the Festival of the Huasteca in its 18th edition (more than 17 years of this tradition) which will bring together activities from the six states that are part of the Huasteca Region plus 60 events that include the involvement of more than 300 musicians, artisans as well as traditional doctors, among others.

descargaAt a press conference to publicize the event Armando Chacha Antele, Regional Development Director of the State Council for Culture and the Arts, said that an estimated investment of 2.5 million dollars will be applied to the event and they expect attendance of about 30, 000 people coming from Puebla and the participating states.

On the frame of the same conference, the program of activities for the festival was officially presented, so important to this event that shows the true identity of the creators of the Huasteca culture.

images (1)Besides enjoying the beautiful region, visitors can learn about important sites in Xicotepec, such as world’s tallest virgin, which is 23 meters high; a pre-Hispanic ceremonial center and the Casa Carranza Museum, amongst other places to enrich the natural beauty of this magical town.

images (2)Activities will take place in nine forums, located in enclosures and main squares of the town and highlighting the life in the pre-Hispanic ceremonial center Xochipila, and the city center, where most of people will enjoy this event. The opening for the festival will be on Thursday, August 29th at the Plaza of the Constitution of Xicotepec, promptly at 19:30 hours.



China Poblana

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Puebla is a very traditional state and as such, it is full of history and culture. As most places with these characteristics, Puebla, especially the Colonial capital city is brimming with many legends part of its natural folklore, beliefs and the inherited Mexican wit.

chinapoblana (1)The China Poblana is one of them, referring in its broadest sense and common today, to the name of what is considered the traditional dress of women in the State of Puebla in Mexico, and is said to have received its name due to a slave belonging to a lineage of an Indian nobleman whose name was Mirra, and was said to wear these clothes during the time of the presidency of Porfirio Diaz.

After being converted to Catholicism in the Indian city of Cochin, where she was kidnapped by Portuguese pirates, Mirra was given the name of Catarina de San Juan, the name with which was known in the region of Puebla where she served as a slave, and then married and took the habit. At her death, Catarina de San Juan was buried in the sacristy of the Church of the Company of Jesus in Puebla, and is now popularly known as the Tomb of the China Poblana.

chinapoblanaIn Puebla de los Angeles this tomb and her were venerated as a saint until in 1691, when the Inquisition banned any popular devotions and considered pagan rituals.

During the nineteenth-century when the China (Chinese woman) became a popular type Mexican and foreign writers raised the question about the origin of the Chinese dress. Vazquez Mantecon attributes the spread of this hypothesis to Carl Nebel, German traveler whose book Scenic and archaeological Travel on the most interesting part of the Mexican Republic (1835) portrait women dressed as chinas while others say the dress came from the Mexico City or even Oaxaca regions.

full-China Poblana - Karen Apricot New OrleansIt is noted that the Mongol princess was oriental and this was a reason for her to be called by the poblanos a Chinese. Asians in Mexico continued calling every Asian a Chinese, the East was considered par excellence as a native of China. Another hypothesis associates the nickname with the fact that Catarina de San Juan married a slave named Domingo Juarez, which belonged to the caste of the Chinese. After marriage, the China Puebla must have been called by the inhabitants of Puebla as correspondent to the caste of her husband, historically.

According to descriptions of the nineteenth century, the Chinese attire consisted of the following items:

A white shirt, with frayed and embroidery work in silk and beaded with geometric and floral motives in bright colors.

A skirt called beaver, which took its name from the fabric with which it was made. The beaver was worked with sequins and 9 geometric patterns.

A band that was used to hold the beaver at the waist of the woman who wore it. The band may or may not have been worked with embroidery, or woven with brocade technique.

A shawl or reboso made of silk in most cases. The shawl is a garment common in Mexico, even today by women to cover the cold, but it was used for carrying babies or anything else whose size and weight make it difficult to take in the hands. The ball shawl, which was the most commonly used by the Chinese, was woven with threads of blue and white, and had the cradle of the Otomi village Santa Maria del Rio.

imagesAs footwear, despite their financial shortcomings, a Chinese kept using satin shoes embroidered with silk.

Finally, the China complemented the outfit with beads and jewels that adorned their ears, bare chest, and hands.

Most agree in the descriptions of them in the nineteenth century as the china being very beautiful women, whose dresses were too daring for the time, especially due to the lack of a corset.

china_poblana_ae_archivoThe chinas were also considered excellent dancers portrayed of The Atole, The Agualulco, El Palomo and others who are part of the twentieth century folk dances, also as a paragon of cleanliness and order; loyalty by their mate although quite liberal on issues of their sexuality.

Near the House of the China Puebla where Catarina de San Juan died next to the Temple of the Company, a figure of the China decorates the courtyard of the building dedicated to offering typical food of Puebla nowadays, very visited by tourist and popular amongst visitors and locals alike.

Much more can be say about the China Poblana, and we will delve into it, but if you visit Puebla do not forget to ask about her and see her statue and many other commemorative and derivative objects.




Soltepec is another one of Puebla´s 217 municipalities, located in the central part of the state of Puebla. The original name of this settlemen was Zoyaltepec, a word composed of the following roots: “zoyatl” palm, “tepetl” hill, which means “on the hill of the palms” in Nahuatl. Subsequently, with the passage of time, the aforementioned palm zoyatl, was disappearing and that is why they decided to name it Soltepec which means “on the hill of the quail” which in Nahuatl means “zollin” quail, “tepetl”: hill.

images (1)The municipality is located within the Plains of San Juan, lacustrine plain formed by a small drainage basin whose lower part is occupied by the Totolcingo Lagoon. However, most of the municipality is mountainous, bisected by a mountain to the southeast extending to the municipality of Mazapiltepec, an irregular mountain which rises 500 meters above the valley has steep slopes highlighting the Guiloa hills, Chiconguatze, The Magueyera, La Mesa and The Palisade.

21h152-01As long as its flora and fauna diversity goes, as almost every place in Mexico, it is unique, compounded pine forests, oak and pine-oak associations in the northern slopes of the mountain range that crosses the south, while the south side has desert scrub, rosette, associated with shrubby secondary vegetation and pasture. The rest of the land is devoted to rain fed agriculture.

imagesThe wildlife consists of rattlesnake, scorpion, cuije, lizard, rabbit, hare, opossum, quail, owl, coyote, owl, owls, hawks, bobcats, gopher, pigeons and variety of birds.

In addition to the bountiful natural resources, there´s a marble quarry located in the community of San Mateo, 8 kilometers from the header.

images (2)The economy of this municipality is in the primary sector, highlighting the Agricultural and Livestock activity, but also dominating the grain trade and seasonal fruits like corn, perceiving gains from beans, bean, chickpea etc., this happens in harvest months (December to February.

The inhabitants are mestizos, the town has just over 300 years, really founded after the arrival of the Spanish, but either way, they preserved their Nahuatl images (3)language. On August 13th, Soltepec celebrates the Patron Fair, the most important festivity for the town, but also the Day of the Dead festivities (November 2nd) and Easter can be highlighted.

Remember, if you come visit Soltepec, you cannot forget to stop by the Parish of San Hipolito, built in seventeenth-century, an architectural, historical and cultural jewel of the town, besides the numerous COlinial estates in the region.

The Zacatlan Fair



And even though the vacation period is officially over for most, there´s still some left of summer, the nice weather, the drive to go out and be in the daylight and for Puebla´s State, the summer fairs. It would seem that summer and specially August is the time for this beautiful, colonial state to want to show the world the perseverance of its tradition with a pleasant weather.

images (10)In this occasion, we will talk about the Zacatlan Fair in Zacatlan “of the apples”, beautiful and proud “Magic Town” of Puebla, full of delicacies, architectural icons and amazing sights, delightful in its quaint way of life and famous not only for its apples, even though the town and the state are nicknamed after these.

images (8)From August 10th to the 19th will take out the long tablecloths (so to speak) for this traditional fair, which is expected to count with the presence of at least 15, 000 visitors a day that will leave an economic impact of 35 million for the municipality and the state, as said the tourism promotion director of the town, Jorge Becerril Sanchez.

images (5)He explained that they expect hotel occupancy to be at a hundred percent for the spaces that are intended to provide this service, in which visitors are expected to spend approximately 1, 800 pesos and even up to 2,300 pesos per family.

“At the Apple Fair, Zacatlan producers will engage in a procession on August 18th dedicated to the Virgin of the Assumption as a thank you to this saint patron of the town for the harvest, which amounts to about 12,000 tons through 1,800 hectares involving 1,500 families”  he said.

images (4)It is noteworthy that domestic visitors come from entities such as Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Mexico City and the rest of the State of Puebla, with internationals arriving from the United States, Spain, Germany and South America.

He recalled that this will be the 73rd edition of the Fair of the Apples, in which visitors will be able to sample food, acquire crafts and enjoy all the attractions, culture and history Zacatlan has to offer.


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On the event that Tochimilco, this beautiful and traditional town in the State of Puebla, could be appointed with the coveted “Magic Town” denomination soon, it is only logical that we want to present all of the amazing features this municipality has to show for itself.

images (3)Tochimilco (derived from the Nahuatl and meaning ‘In the sowing of the rabbits’) and is a small village located east of the town of Atlixco, in the state of Puebla, Mexico, at the foot of the Popocatepetl volcano.

Olmec and Nahuatl groups settled in this place in Pre-Columbian times, and in 1531 it became the property of the Crown, being appointed as township.

images (7)In Tochimilco abound the Mexican traditions, kept alive by the population which is mostly mixed and Nahuatl, although it is noteworthy to mention the emerging traditions of migrants to the United States, among them there is a mixture of the Day of the Dead that still include the relevant arrangements altars and offerings that are customary each year.

Agriculture and trade are the principal economic activities, in this town with a generally mild climate throughout the year and an important role in crop and pod of the avocado tree.

images (4)In the county seat of Tochimilco there is a very beautiful Temple and former Franciscan convent of the Assumption of Our Lady was founded by Fray Diego de Olarte in 1560, a typical example of the sixteenth-century religious architecture which also retains the old aqueduct, with an octagonal fountain in the square, carrying pillars at the corners and one in the center holding the shield early sixteenth century.

juancarlos3It has two elements that differentiate it from most of the churches of the era and one is the part buttresses up to half wall interior and exterior, and the other, the north buttress diagonal arrangement that contrasts with that of its tower parallel to the facade.

In addition, for major attraction in recent years, there´s the Sanctuary of the Lord of Calvary which is celebrating the day May 3rd with a typical show, however people visit it throughout the year.

MX12831413749895Among other attractions there´s the beautiful octagonal fountain built in the S. XVI, located in the main square, besides the “Los Arcos” aqueduct, located on Maximino Avila Camacho extension, Tochimilco Road, was built in places of the former hacienda of Santa Rosa Chapulapa.

Santa Maria Coapan

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Coapan (snake in Nahuatl) is located 4 kilometers away from Tehuacan, which means 25 minutes away from this city and about one and a half hours away from Puebla City. Full of hills and low hills, and some small streams that cause water to conduct in the short rainy season, so arid soils, really have limestone and high moisture permeability leading to increasing groundwater depth that provide water to the numerous wells in the valley. There is little flora typical of dry climates and few green spots with pine, cypress and some Indian laurels, and ornamental plants.

images (3)There are rabbits as the only way of wildlife and abundant domestic animals like sheep and goats besides some feedstock for the Barbecue sales business that has brought fame to this place which receives many visitors looking for its culinary wealth. Also raising pigs is common in the many homes, also making them in delicious casseroles.

The men work in agriculture and construction industry, while women from very small learn to make and sell tortillas, in years past they walk all the way to the nearby towns to sell them on foot, although some of them still do as an ingrained tradition, this practice has almost stopped.

29038011They also sell in markets and at various points of the city of Tehuacan, specially the Centro, where a small diligent is placed with large pots of food to the delight of passersby who seek to taste their products. In recent years they have shown great initiative to unite and start packing and distributing the tortillas to various domestic and foreign markets.

imagesComplementing this sale, they go out at night going in all directions to provide exquisite granillo gruel, a traditional drink in great demand, because like all the products they distribute, is nutritious and affordable.

Coapan has all municipal services, schools, business of all branches and varied transportation, still conserving its traditions are grown and with the population being mostly Catholic, they celebrated every year on August 15th the St. Mary Assumption Day, a festivity dedicated to the church of the same name built by early Spanish settlers of 1652-1658. The festivity goes for several days, and it includes a fair in honor of the Saint patron of the city.

71177a50e1fd5b752a3f0fb3a0e3219a_largeAlthough it is believed that the city was founded by Popolocas, Nahuatl is still spoken by many families. Before the Spanish conquest, this territory was already inhabited and it was usual to pay tribute to the King of Zapotitlan, but there came a time when they refused to do so and to avoid reprisals they established Calcahualco, later known as the Old Tehuacan.

images (1)It was there that the work of Spanish missionaries began, who later decided to come to live in the center of the valley and groups were extended and turned back to address the territory of Coapan in the late sixteenth century by the ancestors of the current population.


Events and traditions for this summer season



Summer has arrived and a new slew of traditions, celebrations and fairs can be enjoyed all around Mexico, and Puebla being the cultural state that it is, cannot be the exception.

130721-moloteThis time was the turn for the Molote Fair, a festival dedicated to this traditional an delicious plate which took place this past weekend and left for Puebla a very sizable sum in terms of economic benefits for the state, but specially, the magic town of San Pedro Cholula.

This fair took place for the third consecutive year in the municipality of San Pedro Cholula, spanning only two days, from July 20th to 21st (not nearly enough to completely enjoy molotes). The event that took place at the Cultural Center Xelhua featured the participation of 40 people dedicated to developing this poblano appetizer and some cooks and chefs that have given a special touch to it.

146During the two-day fair the assistance was approximately of 10, 000 visitors who are expected to have left an economic impact of 500, 000 pesos or more, since the prices of the molotes went from 12 to 30 pesos, depending on the size and padding.

As every year, they sold traditional varieties such as tinga, potatoes, cheese, cottage cheese, brains, huitlacoche, mushrooms, squash blossoms, sausage, but in addition will have seafood like octopus, shrimp, etc..

Each and every one of the varieties can be eaten alone or in combination, and in addition to taste this traditional dish, those arriving to the town were able to participate in the popular party, and enjoy the many handicrafts.

132The event counted with music and cultural expressions of groups at the House of Culture, as well as some artists.

The Department of Tourism said that these events were made with the intention that San Pedro Cholula is recognized in the state as a place of cultural and religious tourism which will bring higher profits and let the entire swing trading is rampant for the region.

Let´s not forget the incredible results of the recently ended Taekwondo World championship and current and upcoming events such as the Star of Puebla and the Santa Maria Coapa Fair, which is expected to leave a spill of 700,000 pesos, soon to begin for the delight of locals and visitors.

Like we said, summer is time for festivals in Puebla, a convenient time to visit and experience culture in the flesh.


Chiles en nogada


The chile en nogada is probably the most festive Mexican dish of all. This dish has it all: bright colors, a harmonious variety of textures and flavors, typical ingredients both elegant and rustic, which make it so special. They consist of a poblano chile (a type of chili native of Puebla) stuffed with a mixture of ground beef and a variety of dried fruit, and topped with a delicious sauce of walnuts (the walnut sauce is called “nogada”). It is garnished with pomegranate and parsley, making this the green, white and red of the Mexican flag. The combination of sweet and salty, crunchy and creamy is simply exquisite.

imagesIt’s a bit laborious preparing the chiles en nogada, and along with the special conjunction of ingredients  it is also rare except on its season (starting mid-July and finishing at the end of September) but worth doing to celebrate big national holidays or for any occasion in August or September, when which traditionally usually eat.

nogadaThis dish is a typical dish of the state of Puebla, dating back to the time of independence in 1821. In that year, Agustin de Iturbide proclaimed himself emperor and during his pass though the city of Puebla, made ​​a grand entrance in the day of his birthday, which is why he was offered a banquet, by the nuns of the convent Santa Monica who concocted this dish in his honor with the only ingredients they had at hand, ingredients typical of the season.

images (1)The chile en nogada (the most common name is chiles en nogada, plural, although usually served no more than a single chile) is also one of the typical dishes of Mexican, called the “quintessential dish of Puebla” and considered internationally as one of the finest and most representative dishes of Mexican cuisine that can be enjoyed on almost every restaurant in Puebla as we speak.
