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On the event that Tochimilco, this beautiful and traditional town in the State of Puebla, could be appointed with the coveted “Magic Town” denomination soon, it is only logical that we want to present all of the amazing features this municipality has to show for itself.

images (3)Tochimilco (derived from the Nahuatl and meaning ‘In the sowing of the rabbits’) and is a small village located east of the town of Atlixco, in the state of Puebla, Mexico, at the foot of the Popocatepetl volcano.

Olmec and Nahuatl groups settled in this place in Pre-Columbian times, and in 1531 it became the property of the Crown, being appointed as township.

images (7)In Tochimilco abound the Mexican traditions, kept alive by the population which is mostly mixed and Nahuatl, although it is noteworthy to mention the emerging traditions of migrants to the United States, among them there is a mixture of the Day of the Dead that still include the relevant arrangements altars and offerings that are customary each year.

Agriculture and trade are the principal economic activities, in this town with a generally mild climate throughout the year and an important role in crop and pod of the avocado tree.

images (4)In the county seat of Tochimilco there is a very beautiful Temple and former Franciscan convent of the Assumption of Our Lady was founded by Fray Diego de Olarte in 1560, a typical example of the sixteenth-century religious architecture which also retains the old aqueduct, with an octagonal fountain in the square, carrying pillars at the corners and one in the center holding the shield early sixteenth century.

juancarlos3It has two elements that differentiate it from most of the churches of the era and one is the part buttresses up to half wall interior and exterior, and the other, the north buttress diagonal arrangement that contrasts with that of its tower parallel to the facade.

In addition, for major attraction in recent years, there´s the Sanctuary of the Lord of Calvary which is celebrating the day May 3rd with a typical show, however people visit it throughout the year.

MX12831413749895Among other attractions there´s the beautiful octagonal fountain built in the S. XVI, located in the main square, besides the “Los Arcos” aqueduct, located on Maximino Avila Camacho extension, Tochimilco Road, was built in places of the former hacienda of Santa Rosa Chapulapa.

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