Audi sold more than a thousand units per month; beats Mercedes Benz and BMW



The new Audi plant in Mexico, specifically in San Jose Chiapa, Puebla is really a big deal for locals and the country in general, seeing as the automotive sector in Mexico is really strong and offers unique and equally strong qualities that national and international car companies have chosen to picked for their offices more than once.

images (1)The new Audi plant is set to be fully functioning by 2016, however, but that doesn´t mean that the famous German car brand is not equally popular in Mexico, which bodes very well since for two consecutive months Audi managed to sell more than a thousand units, representing a record for its long presence of over 16 years in Mexico with sales surpassing those of its direct competition Mercedes Benz and BMW.

According to the latest report of the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA) in the months of May and June the German company sold 56,009 units in our country to total 5, 619 cars sold in the first quarter of 2013.

images (3)With these sales Audi remains a leader in luxury car sales closely followed by Mercedes Benz which managed to sell 4,400 units from January to June, and BMW which sold 4, 274 luxury cars in the country.

It is the second time a luxury brand sells over a thousand units a month and according to Audi´s expectations they are well on their way to be first in Mexico, with up to the 10,000 units at the end of 2013, a market share to be around one percent.

images (2)In 2012, Audi placed 9, 500 units in Mexico, representing an increase of 18 percent from the year before, when it had grown another 40 percent.

In keeping with the overall plan of the German carmaker, they currently deliver a car to a buyer every 22 seconds, and by 2020, they hope to take this number to one every 16 seconds, allowing them to reach a sales figure of two million units per year thereafter.

The investment of 14, 500 million pesos in the Audi plant, will result in an outlay of significant resources from the supply chain, as Audi has said, which represents a great economic growth for Puebla, Mexico and its automotive sector, gaining more strength and presence internationally. 

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