The Calpan´s Fair



With the upcoming Latin American Coffee Summit being hosted in Puebla along with the summer holiday and its fairs, we have our hands full for the time being in touristic matter and since we are days away from the summer to be over and the conventions tourism phase to begin for the state (specially the capital city) we have to take advantage of the last of it.

91It is the turn of Calpan, another of Puebla´s traditional municipalities which also celebrates its fair during summer and the best part is that it includes the delicacy that is the chile en nogada, uproar amongst locals, national and international visitors.

At least 50, 000 chiles en nogada be sold during the tenth edition of the Calpan Fair in which 30 exhibitors will be participating in the town, has said at a press conference, Abundio Ramos, director of the fair.

images (1)He announced that the activities will be held during two weekends of this month of August, from the 9th to the 11th and from the 17th to the 18th, in this town located about forty kilometers from the state´s capital.

“This year the cost of each chile ranges from 100 to 120 pesos, and that was due to an increase of up to a 20 percent in the price of the ingredients, even though the fruit and especially the walnuts, are produced in this region, “he said.

132He also recalled that the production of the main ingredient for these chiles, the nut, was for the first time produced in the orchards of Calpan´s former convent, built in the sixteenth century.

He added that each of the exhibitors generated between 8 and 10 jobs that benefit local families, and involved from children to senior citizens in the development of this traditional dish, the chile of Puebla.

And now, in this fair and conveniently during the summer for visitors, it will be available to taste and why not? Even carefully over indulge.

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