Tourism leaves a three billion pesos spill for Puebla


We have already seen that locals and foreigners are looking into Puebla as an option for visiting on holidays and other seasons. Due to the singularities this State offers like a perfect mix between modernity and past, Puebla has become a favorite for tourists.

49Proof of this is that as of June, the state gained an economic impact of 3, 119 million pesos, as Roberto Trauwitz Echeguren, head of the Ministry of Tourism has declared.

During his visit to the State Congress, the state official said they have a projection of 8 billion pesos compared to the 7,500 million pesos that were achieved in 2012, achieving an increase of 500 million pesos.

He also said that since 2011, with the arrival of Rafael Moreno Valle to the State government, Puebla remains the first place in tourism growth, a situation, they hope to hold with the organization of conferences and world events, as well as activities such as the Museum Nights and the beginning Legend Nights, activities that will take place in Lake Harmony.

60In an interview, Echeguren Trauwitz said that the week of the opening of the Star of Puebla, reported an influx of 21,000 visitors.

On the request of employers to open a gastronomic corridor in Linear Park, Trauwitz Echeguren reported having no application, but said that they plan to open two restaurants in the Art Park.

Undoubtedly, Puebla´s tourism and consequential economic spill are growing, a perfect moment for investment, visiting and planning.

The influx of foreign tourists to Puebla increases

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Not only locals enjoy of the charms the State of Puebla in general has to offer, even though domestic tourism has increased this year, foreign visitors are also getting a stronger presence in a state that combines culture, history, tradition and innovation all in a seamless, perfect package.

images (8)The Tourism Secretary Roberto Trawitz Echeguren announced an increase of 135 percent in foreign tourist inflow to the state of Puebla, this in comparison to the first half of 2012.

According with numbers from the state agency, in the first half of this year there were a total of 155,000 visitors from around the world, while in the same period in 2012, the state only obtained an influx of about 66, 000 international tourists.

imagesHe said that they expect a similar or higher number for the second half, explaining that the economic benefit from tourism has grown by about 20 percent.

Number in tourism have been steadily increasing in the last couple of years, the result of new investments, the inclusion of new national and international enterprises, the security and tourism plans that the State Government has been developing amongst many other strategies to make Puebla stand out for Mexico and the world.

By year’s end, Atlixco will reach one million visitors



The authorities of the municipality of Atlixco relied on surviving to the number of visitors who came to the town over the past year at least 400 000 people, with this record would reach one million tourists, said at a press conference Schiavon Minerva Nunez, director of Tourism.

Atlixco3This commenting that during the last quarter of 2013 will be activities of great importance, such as Huey Atlixcáyotl Festival, The Parade Mojigangas, Fair Christmas Eve, and the installation of the Villa Lit.

He recalled that “normally in a weekend Atlixco reach an average of 20 thousand people, however this influx will increase by up to 30 percent, for the aforementioned activities.”

He stressed that the economic impact of the tourism category in Atlixco for this 2013 can be estimated at up to one hundred million dollars for the benefit of hoteliers, restaurateurs and service providers in the locality.

Atlixco4He added that in the case of the Villa Lit last year had 400 000 visitors, and this year is expected to be about 600 thousand people who come to enjoy this show already started organizing.

Tlatlauquitepec will detonate tourism



The capital city, Cholula and Atlixco are not the only representatives and proud members of the State of Puebla, which has tradition, beauty, history, culture and novelty all through its extension. Several Magic towns and so many others that deserve the title, have made the State popular for its richness and beauty, attracting thousands of visitors and investors.

arton23478From January to July this year, the Magic Town of Tlatlauquitepec has received 22 thousand tourists who generated an economic impact of 14 million pesos, turning this town into one of the most visited in the State.

This was announced by the Secretary of Tourism Development and Training of the Ministry of Tourism of the State, Irving Mayett Mucino under the presentation of the Tlatlauquitepec Vive Fair L2013 to be held from September the 7th to the 16th. For this edition, there are expected 10,000 visitors and a spill of 4 to 5 million pesos.

tlatlauquitepec12In the fair there will be a series of cultural events with regional dances, craft shows, painting, dancing, a bullfighting festival and gastronomic fireworks beyond the traditional “Cry of Independence”.

So recently, Tlatlauquitepec, located an hour and a half from the capital of Puebla, was visited by tourists from Brazil, Panama, Honduras, and different states of the country, and also, in recent months, the state government along with the municipality invested 35 million pesos for improving urban image.

descargaThe dam “La Soledad”, the “Big Headed” Hill, waterfalls, former Franciscan convents, churches and traditional roofs are part of the tourist attractions of the town known as “Garden of Puebla´s Sierra.”

30% Increase of tourism in San Pedro Cholula



Cholula is undoubtedly one of Puebla´s best representatives, with the perfect blend between past, present and future, the Magic Town has enchanted visitors and locals alike, who crowd the streets and businesses of the town every weekend.

full-Cholula - RussBowlingBetter yet, ten months after receiving the appointment of Magic Town, San Pedro Cholula reports an increase of at least 30 percent in tourism activities in the town, as said the town’s tourism director, Miguel Jimenez Galindo, announcing their fair this 2013, to be held from August 30th to September 16.

He stressed that the millennial show expected an economic impact of at least 10 million pesos, and it is anticipated that it´ll reach at least 70, 000 people over the three weekends of activities: “Last year we had a record of 60, 000 to 70, 000 visitors and the magical town name has statistics been detonating up and hopefully this will continue to grow,” he said.

images (6)He also mentioned that the still preserved activity of “barter” already has a record of 170 participants, who´ll conduct their activities in the Place de la Concorde on September 8th. However, they do not rule out that the number of producers reach the 300s, same that will maintain their stalls open from 8:00 to 12:00.

It is noteworthy that the municipality will invest at least 3 million in the 63th edition of the fair, which will be employed for placing protective domes for attendees and exhibitors due to the rainy season.

images (4)Galindo Jimenez invited the general public to go to the religious, cultural and gastronomic events that are scheduled for the show, which is in honor of the Virgin of the Remedies patron of the inhabitants of San Pedro Cholula.

Puebla’s government plans new cultural tourism corridor



As is the fashion in the country, new tourist corridors are being planned through the most important visiting cities in the hopes to enhance what the place has to offer for all visitors. These corridors have been well received and proved to aid in this campaign, for which tey were originally intended, and as a strategy that works it is being replicated.

50In Puebla City, the state government will build a cultural tourism corridor in the building located at 13 South Street, number 103 and its boundary with the Puebla Cultural Center.

This was announced by the Secretary of Higher Secondary Education of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), Jorge Cruz Bermudez, who stated that soon they will begin working on the renovation of the property.

125Already, the Cathedral-Fuertes Corridor is highly popular, having been planned for the Tourist Street Market last March in preparation of all international visits for the event. Now, this Corridor is also expected to function accordingly, bringing benefits to the city.

The coming Independence Day celbrations in Puebla


As we have said, Puebla is a very traditional state, enjoying celebrating and reminiscing this tradition while sharing it with the world; this has been one of the city´s main attractions for visitors and locals alike, especially nearing the big, important celebrations such as the Independence day, where Puebla and Mexico alike, go all out of their way to offer a worthy spread.

2On this note, for the second consecutive year, the state government will make the ​​allusive celebrations of the Independence of Mexico in the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe, in parallel to the traditional and ceremonial “Clamor of Dolores” at the City Hall, an act that will be headed by Governor Rafael Moreno Valle and the capital city´s mayor, Eduardo Rivera Perez.

27Sources of the city of Puebla reported that during Monday and Tuesday, both government agencies define the logistics of the event, because they must first meet the “Cry of Independence” and later made ​​a festival in the area surrounding Casa Puebla.

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It was last year when Moreno Valle broke with tradition and organized activities for the anniversary of the Independence of Mexico in the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe, thereby dividing the festivities, since first they will have to attend the capital’s main square which was the place by tradition to reunite families of Puebla during that celebration.

5The festivities last year included the participation of the Mexican singer Paulina Rubio and, according to press reports, the cost of holding it reached over 30 million pesos.

In this context, the mayor of Puebla, Eduardo Rivera Perez, explained that there will be a night off during the September 15th, so bars and clubs do not have a set closing time, while analyzing the feasibility of extending the measure for the 16th, all for the sake of the date.

40Undoubtedly, this changes and plans look to impress, as well as visitors as locals; give them something to look forward between the fall´s celebrations and the summer holiday.

The Huasteca Festival



Puebla is a delight, a paragon of culture, tradition, history and progress all wrapped up in one very neat and beautiful package. Every city and town in Puebla share these characteristics but some are more colorful and loud than others. Here we have Xicotepec de Juarez, proud Magic Town of Puebla and Mexico and soon to be the stage for a very worthy display of tradition.

descarga (1)From August 29th to September 1st Xicotepec will celebrate the Festival of the Huasteca in its 18th edition (more than 17 years of this tradition) which will bring together activities from the six states that are part of the Huasteca Region plus 60 events that include the involvement of more than 300 musicians, artisans as well as traditional doctors, among others.

descargaAt a press conference to publicize the event Armando Chacha Antele, Regional Development Director of the State Council for Culture and the Arts, said that an estimated investment of 2.5 million dollars will be applied to the event and they expect attendance of about 30, 000 people coming from Puebla and the participating states.

On the frame of the same conference, the program of activities for the festival was officially presented, so important to this event that shows the true identity of the creators of the Huasteca culture.

images (1)Besides enjoying the beautiful region, visitors can learn about important sites in Xicotepec, such as world’s tallest virgin, which is 23 meters high; a pre-Hispanic ceremonial center and the Casa Carranza Museum, amongst other places to enrich the natural beauty of this magical town.

images (2)Activities will take place in nine forums, located in enclosures and main squares of the town and highlighting the life in the pre-Hispanic ceremonial center Xochipila, and the city center, where most of people will enjoy this event. The opening for the festival will be on Thursday, August 29th at the Plaza of the Constitution of Xicotepec, promptly at 19:30 hours.



China Poblana

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Puebla is a very traditional state and as such, it is full of history and culture. As most places with these characteristics, Puebla, especially the Colonial capital city is brimming with many legends part of its natural folklore, beliefs and the inherited Mexican wit.

chinapoblana (1)The China Poblana is one of them, referring in its broadest sense and common today, to the name of what is considered the traditional dress of women in the State of Puebla in Mexico, and is said to have received its name due to a slave belonging to a lineage of an Indian nobleman whose name was Mirra, and was said to wear these clothes during the time of the presidency of Porfirio Diaz.

After being converted to Catholicism in the Indian city of Cochin, where she was kidnapped by Portuguese pirates, Mirra was given the name of Catarina de San Juan, the name with which was known in the region of Puebla where she served as a slave, and then married and took the habit. At her death, Catarina de San Juan was buried in the sacristy of the Church of the Company of Jesus in Puebla, and is now popularly known as the Tomb of the China Poblana.

chinapoblanaIn Puebla de los Angeles this tomb and her were venerated as a saint until in 1691, when the Inquisition banned any popular devotions and considered pagan rituals.

During the nineteenth-century when the China (Chinese woman) became a popular type Mexican and foreign writers raised the question about the origin of the Chinese dress. Vazquez Mantecon attributes the spread of this hypothesis to Carl Nebel, German traveler whose book Scenic and archaeological Travel on the most interesting part of the Mexican Republic (1835) portrait women dressed as chinas while others say the dress came from the Mexico City or even Oaxaca regions.

full-China Poblana - Karen Apricot New OrleansIt is noted that the Mongol princess was oriental and this was a reason for her to be called by the poblanos a Chinese. Asians in Mexico continued calling every Asian a Chinese, the East was considered par excellence as a native of China. Another hypothesis associates the nickname with the fact that Catarina de San Juan married a slave named Domingo Juarez, which belonged to the caste of the Chinese. After marriage, the China Puebla must have been called by the inhabitants of Puebla as correspondent to the caste of her husband, historically.

According to descriptions of the nineteenth century, the Chinese attire consisted of the following items:

A white shirt, with frayed and embroidery work in silk and beaded with geometric and floral motives in bright colors.

A skirt called beaver, which took its name from the fabric with which it was made. The beaver was worked with sequins and 9 geometric patterns.

A band that was used to hold the beaver at the waist of the woman who wore it. The band may or may not have been worked with embroidery, or woven with brocade technique.

A shawl or reboso made of silk in most cases. The shawl is a garment common in Mexico, even today by women to cover the cold, but it was used for carrying babies or anything else whose size and weight make it difficult to take in the hands. The ball shawl, which was the most commonly used by the Chinese, was woven with threads of blue and white, and had the cradle of the Otomi village Santa Maria del Rio.

imagesAs footwear, despite their financial shortcomings, a Chinese kept using satin shoes embroidered with silk.

Finally, the China complemented the outfit with beads and jewels that adorned their ears, bare chest, and hands.

Most agree in the descriptions of them in the nineteenth century as the china being very beautiful women, whose dresses were too daring for the time, especially due to the lack of a corset.

china_poblana_ae_archivoThe chinas were also considered excellent dancers portrayed of The Atole, The Agualulco, El Palomo and others who are part of the twentieth century folk dances, also as a paragon of cleanliness and order; loyalty by their mate although quite liberal on issues of their sexuality.

Near the House of the China Puebla where Catarina de San Juan died next to the Temple of the Company, a figure of the China decorates the courtyard of the building dedicated to offering typical food of Puebla nowadays, very visited by tourist and popular amongst visitors and locals alike.

Much more can be say about the China Poblana, and we will delve into it, but if you visit Puebla do not forget to ask about her and see her statue and many other commemorative and derivative objects.

The Chiles en nogada Fair will garner 2 million pesos


We have talked about the Colonial charm of the state of Puebla, the allure its cultural ambience have for visitors and locals alike; food, crafts, churches, buildings, that are proof of the still living heritage and tradition the current inhabitants have keep from their ancestors over time.

images (1)And so, Puebla is amidst of one of its most prized and enjoyable traditions, awaited by those in the city, the rest of the country and even the world. The chiles en nogada season is in full swing, dedicated to this historically famous dish everyone wants and has to taste, and what better time and place to do so that in the Fair dedicated to it.

It has been reported that at least 30, 000 chiles en nogada will be elaborated over the next three Sundays in the municipality of San Nicolas de los Ranchos as part of the activities of the Fair of the same name, with which they seek to obtain an economic impact of at least 2 million pesos, as said the director of tourism of the town, Erika Ortega Arias.

images (4)It is important to note that the price of each of the peppers (chiles) will be of 80 pesos and, as asked to the 18 people who will be in charge of cooking and serve them, all will have the same size: “The price of 80 pesos includes soup or rice and water, but we also have one additional attraction, the World’s Largest Molcajete, which has a 1.20 meters diameter”.

imagesIn this molcajete (a kind of rock bowl used for centuries to grind foods), will serve as a container for at least 60 liters of green and red sauce, which you can taste with the tortillas the local women also are preparing.

“They are blue corn tortillas to which visitors may spread the molcajete sauce over and will be distributed to each and every one of the visitors who come to San Nicolas de los Ranchos on occasion of the Chile en nogada Fair,” added the representative.

pomegranate-03It should be mentioned that the purpose of this fair is that people got to have the opportunity to consume the products of the region while keeping this delicious tradition alive.