By year’s end, Atlixco will reach one million visitors



The authorities of the municipality of Atlixco relied on surviving to the number of visitors who came to the town over the past year at least 400 000 people, with this record would reach one million tourists, said at a press conference Schiavon Minerva Nunez, director of Tourism.

Atlixco3This commenting that during the last quarter of 2013 will be activities of great importance, such as Huey Atlixcáyotl Festival, The Parade Mojigangas, Fair Christmas Eve, and the installation of the Villa Lit.

He recalled that “normally in a weekend Atlixco reach an average of 20 thousand people, however this influx will increase by up to 30 percent, for the aforementioned activities.”

He stressed that the economic impact of the tourism category in Atlixco for this 2013 can be estimated at up to one hundred million dollars for the benefit of hoteliers, restaurateurs and service providers in the locality.

Atlixco4He added that in the case of the Villa Lit last year had 400 000 visitors, and this year is expected to be about 600 thousand people who come to enjoy this show already started organizing.

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