The coming Independence Day celbrations in Puebla


As we have said, Puebla is a very traditional state, enjoying celebrating and reminiscing this tradition while sharing it with the world; this has been one of the city´s main attractions for visitors and locals alike, especially nearing the big, important celebrations such as the Independence day, where Puebla and Mexico alike, go all out of their way to offer a worthy spread.

2On this note, for the second consecutive year, the state government will make the ​​allusive celebrations of the Independence of Mexico in the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe, in parallel to the traditional and ceremonial “Clamor of Dolores” at the City Hall, an act that will be headed by Governor Rafael Moreno Valle and the capital city´s mayor, Eduardo Rivera Perez.

27Sources of the city of Puebla reported that during Monday and Tuesday, both government agencies define the logistics of the event, because they must first meet the “Cry of Independence” and later made ​​a festival in the area surrounding Casa Puebla.

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It was last year when Moreno Valle broke with tradition and organized activities for the anniversary of the Independence of Mexico in the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe, thereby dividing the festivities, since first they will have to attend the capital’s main square which was the place by tradition to reunite families of Puebla during that celebration.

5The festivities last year included the participation of the Mexican singer Paulina Rubio and, according to press reports, the cost of holding it reached over 30 million pesos.

In this context, the mayor of Puebla, Eduardo Rivera Perez, explained that there will be a night off during the September 15th, so bars and clubs do not have a set closing time, while analyzing the feasibility of extending the measure for the 16th, all for the sake of the date.

40Undoubtedly, this changes and plans look to impress, as well as visitors as locals; give them something to look forward between the fall´s celebrations and the summer holiday.

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